A downloadable game for Windows

You are a rogue astronaut whose ship crashes in a freak accident in deep space. Among the ashes of your spaceship, a time warp causes a doppelganger of yourself to appear! If is up to you to run, jump, and jam to an upbeat EDM track to run faster than your doppelganger back towards the wreckage of your ship and make it home. 

> A 3D, first-person parkour game made in Unreal Engine

> Multiplayer Split-Screen

> Rhythm based platforming in time to a song

Development Team:

Edwin Aguirre

Whittaker Worland

David Rizko

Cameron Romeis

Bryan Castaneda

Henry Olmstead

Oceana Lee


QuantumLeap.zip 251 MB

Install instructions

1) Download the File

2) Unzip the Package

3) Run quantumleap.exe

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